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2020 Job Search strategy - Effective job search using sales methodology

How to successfully utilise sales methodology in job search?

What sales and job search have in common? How to use sales principles to Land a job? 
In todays episode of Coffee and a Chat with Dave, we are talking about how to use the principles of the oldest profession known to human kind in job search. I will share with you a chart that will be your guide to perfecting your sales pitch and cover letter and help you compile YOU statements. WHO are you and WHY You? WHAT can YOU do to add value to my Company? WHY do YOU and WHAT is special about you? Why is it a problem, Whats in it for me and HOW can you fix it? Point of Difference

Without further ado,

Let's Talk about it!

In the middle of every WHY, WHAT and WHO stands a significant common denominator: HOW. Selling goods / products that add significant and visible value to a business is in much easier task than selling services. When you are looking for job, you are in fact selling your services. Offering, and selling Services is the most difficult job in the sales world - It takes a lot more convincing effort. You can’t see it, you can’t feel it and you can’t demonstrate the POD ( Point Of Difference ) on the spot. How do you sell your services and what information you need to present to a potential client?

Job search and sales share the same principle: It's all about making your client or employer happy and your expertise, credibility and what value do you bring to the table. Your client/employer needs to know Who are you and why are you their best option? What can you do to solve their issues, make their problems go away - Fast and cheap. Answers to interview questions or answers to your clients objections must not be perfectly scripted as it falls into a trap of not being authentic. However, your job application and/or sales pitch is a must!
Follow the 20-80 Rule Focus on the 20% 20% of your action, Should results in 80% of your success! #recruitment #jobsearch #sales

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