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Common Sense Leadership - Leadership expert on Leading with Organisational culture

Leading with Organisational culture

Today we are talking about what does it take to be a great leader and how Leading with an Organisational Culture and value of Human Element in business can boost your business growth. Why should we all work on Bringing the Humanity back into business and what does it mean to be relatable and approachable business.

Being a leader is a choice and by choosing to a leader, we choose to be the light, 
an inspiration, 
a coach, 
mentor and 
a motivator. 

We choose to lead by example and be a role model. 
To be there for our teams and provide unconditional support.

Being a leader for the sake of holding the position, for the money and position of Authority, defies the purpose of a Leader and corrupts their values.
Many argue that leadership is a Set of values, skills and behaviours we can all develop,  at every level, in every role. 
I have a few arguments about it but let's say: 
If we all discover the leader in us, imagine what we can achieve as individuals, as teams and as a business?

Is Leadership the ability to make the right decisions and contribute to many different aspects of our organisation? 
Is Leadership the understanding to work well with our colleagues?
Is Leadership the passion to achieve the highest standards?
Is Leadership being aligned to the purpose and objectives of a business, and focus on the main principles of being a leader.

YES IT IS, but it's much more!

Leader or a Manager is NOT JUST A Leader or Manager - If you are a leader or manager, YOU’RE ALSO AN EMPLOYEE and the Role model
who needs to strive to:
  • Achieve business excellence – driving high standards of performance in everything we do
  • Define and shapes direction – contributing to the business in all the work we do
  • Engage and inspires people – collaborating and growing the skills and competencies of ourselves and others

So, the question is:
How can we achieve this as an organisation?
Let's break it down and

Let's Talk About it!  

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Leading with an Organisational Culture - topic we can talk about in the next  5 videos, and requires many deep organisational changes but the most important one is the right organisational mindset. 
What can we do to start changing the organisational mindset? 
What, as a business owner, a  leader or a manger you can do to make it happen?

Lets start with a major misconception.
The major misconception, in the business world, is that humans are employed as a resource, replaceable stock and supply to run a business capital and assets. 
The result of such a view is an uninspiring and detached business environment where employees are taken for granted, undervalued and the humans are treated as a replaceable stock. 

The end product of such view, in particular, in Sales and Customer Service environments are low productivity, poor customer service, terrible service delivery and high staff turnover.
This is where it gets more interesting.

Once the downfall is recognised, managerial corrective measures are introduced to get everyone back in line.
So,  instead of "lead, inspire and motivate to achieve common objectives and business goals" we end up being an enforcement institution by implementing performance management measures and policing the team members…
In other Words - We micro manage our staff.

By micromanaging our staff, we don’t do any favour to ourselves, leaders and managers, or the business mission.

Businesses are run by the most important business value - 

Its People - 

for the purpose of working with people to serve people by effectively utilising business resources in order to achieve business objectives, goals and vision. 

The human element adds value to your business, a personal touch that makes your business feel approachable, relatable, inspirational and human.
Thats what customers want and what makes them keep coming back.
The Human Element is not just a systematic method for improving the way people work together. 
It is not just how to utilise the human element to the achieve goals and better individual, team, and organisational performance. 

Humans are the most important business value - 
it's the beating heart and soul of every business no matter how big or small business is.

It is The art and craft of a business creativity and innovation. 
It is the future of your business.
Serve and treat your people well - you will serve yourself, do yourself the biggest favour and achieve greater business results.

The human element is more than just a list of 230 personal core values and behaviours. 
It's the Capital list of the lists of all individual core values together.
Understanding, knowing and appreciating the value of Human Element is the Key to Effective Leadership.

I hope you agree that an organisational success starts with the individual accomplishments and success of each employee. More time and effort you put in towards motivating, inspiring and providing support for achieving individual personal and professional goals, more benefits you gain on an organisational level. 
Develop and create a rewarding environment so that people wake up in the morning and have a desire to turn up to work with you - Not for you. 

The trick is - Treat them as your business partners.

Take for an example a Bee Hive:

Honeybees live in colonies under the leadership of one Queen bee including thousands of bees and drones. A business kept in order by the queen and her leadership. 
Although worker bees only live for approximately six weeks, they spend their lives performing tasks that benefit the survival of their colony.
And here is the kicker. Queen Bee, doesn't care how bees are going about to get the pollen and nectar as long as the job is done. 
No micromanagement there and everything is working as a well oiled machine with an ultimate support network available.
I was watching a short video about a worker bee that somehow got stuck in honey and started drowning.
Guess what happened?
Under the leadership of Queen Bee, other worker bees followed and dragged the drowning bee out. 
Furthermore, they started cleaning the poor thing. 2 were cleaning honey from her wings, the other working on her legs, another around the head area and so on…under the guidance of the queens bee.
Even bees know that job has to be done the way Queen has set the organisational structure and culture.
They receive all the support available and given all the freedom to perform their jobs.
When things get rough, Queen is there to help and lead the way.
If you have any issues, you don’t get micromanaged - you get support to overcome your problems.

What can you do as a leader or a manager first?
Inspire, motivate and lead by integrity at the forefront to instil pride honesty, trust and respect. 
Such treatment breeds Ownership, Accountability and Responsibility which weeds out unproductive defensive behaviour which is: Blame, Excuses and Denial. 

Blame, Excuses and Denial are toxic demotivators and a breeding ground for confrontations. It is an overall team cohesion and performance destroyers.
Recognise, acknowledge and validate the human importance.

Bring the human touch and humanity back into your business, Be recognised as an approachable, relatable and empathetic business. 
Develop and implement organisational customer service culture that values how external so internal human element.
When I say this to my clients, usually the first question that comes up is: What you suggesting, where should I start?
Start by recognising the Human Value acknowledge and honour humanity- Separate Human Element from the Resources.

Replace Human Resources with Human Operations or People Operations.
Follow through with showing appreciation, open two-way communication, inspire innovation and creativity...connect back with your Human side.
Let your people know that they are treated as partners, being cared for and treated with respect.
Thats a great starting point.

Re brand your business internally first.

What do I mean by that?
Almost everything has an expiry date. So is your business vision, mission and goals. 
You either grow out of your capacity,  overachieve or underachieve. 
So in either case you need new ideas, new common goals and objectives.
Every 3-5 years, every business should re-visit their Vision and mission statement. but with a huge difference: get your staff involved and this is probably the best way to get your people to connect with you and your business on a personal level and develop that partnership feeling. 
Get them involved and that’s how we take that responsibility to next level.
Now its personal!

Third, Start utilising the  
Start Stop Continue Feedback

Your front line employees are your eyes, ears and first line of defence.They see everything - The good, The bad and Ugly side of your business and your service delivery.Once every 6-9 moths get that white board out into a common area and ask your employees to identify your strengths and weaknesses in the following form:
  1. Start – what are, in their opinion, things the team should be doing in the next cycle in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness..
  1. Stop – ask them to look back at the previous cycle to identify which things didn't work well and which ones should be stopped.
  1. Continue – ask them to identify things that worked in the previous cycle and need to be part of the core activities and if so what can be done to improve the process.

I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video.
You don’t have to subscribe to my channel, or give us thumbs up and you don’t have to comment - but if you do - I will write you a song about a tortilla. 

Well actually, it’s more of a wrap.

While you are at it, click  the social media share button so your friends and family can watch it too.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We greatly appreciate you.
I love you all and until next video,
Please take care of your self - and Each other!

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