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Linkedin NETWORKING - why is it important and how to do it well - Linkedin and Live Networking

How important is to have a good network to your ability to accomplish your
Vision, Dreams and Goals? 

  • What can a good network do for you? 
  • How to create a good network? and,
  • What in fact is considered good networking?

Networking is the channel through which you sell your initiatives to the people you depend on for cooperation and support. It's what you rely on to win over the sceptics. 

It protects you from clueless dynamics that so often kill good ideas. Your relationships are also the best way to change with your environment and industry if needed.  
Without a good network, you will also limit your own imagination about your own career prospects. You never know!  

Your network is also what puts you on the map of people who control your next career move. In short, your network is a crucial source of outsight on your job, business and everything else to which you aspire. 
Networks run on the principle of reciprocity. The value of diverse relationships lies not only in what your contacts can do for you, but also on what you can do for them.  
If nothing else: fresh ideas, insights, and advice on best practices. It is an opportunity to get a 360-degree perspective which you can only get from cultivating relationships with a diverse mix of peers, juniors and seniors regardless of their current operational capacity and willingness and openness in removing six degrees of separation principle out of the Networking Circle. 

But just because a person knows that a network is important to their success, it doesn't mean they are devoting sufficient time and energy to making it useful and strong.  
In fact, few of us do. LINKEDIN... Great networking tool and source of priceless networking resources. 
A highly underused and undervalued Networking tool. So many, create their Linkedin account as a symbolic gesture, Use it as a display cabinet for their accolades and trophies and that's where the story ends. 

If you are on Linkedin right now, How would you rate the quality of your current network? 
How would you rate your contributions, actions and use of such an amazing tool?  

Even in a business world that hugely depends on diversity, We are habitually hardwired to be drawn to people who are "like us". Strictly based on common ground, we give those people the benefit of the doubt, insisting on creating artificial conditions that increase the likelihood that a relationship will potentially develop. 
Without common ground or common cause, for many of us, its harder to relate to people.  
Bias, Laziness, Pride and Ego are the greatest enemies of true Networking. People who fail to engage in networking justify their choice as a matter of personal values.  

A lack of experience with networking also leads people to question whether it's a legitimate use of their time, especially when the network structure does not immediately appear relevant, usable or fully beneficial to their current situation. 

Another subconscious detriment is "Why widen my circle just so I could be asked to help someone, buy something from someone...?"  
IF everyone you know knows the same people you do... flow of ideas, information and opportunities gets stuck in the same circle in the same environment in the same segment.  

Networking: How important it is and how do do it well?

So Lets break it down and 

#LetsTalkAboutIt #networking #linkedin

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