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Age DISCRIMINATION in Recruitment - Spreading like a fire | Ageism exists - Let's Talk About it!

Age DISCRIMINATION in Recruitment

How can we stop and prevent the act of "Legal" Discrimination in Recruitment - Spread the word, raise the awareness and show love and solidarity? The biggest problem in recruitment and hiring nowadays is the Social effect called Prejudice and obvious "legal" act of Age Discrimination. Furthermore, more obvious than even stereotypes and prejudices that prevail in the society towards people with special needs, which makes them marginalised in the labour market, From generation to generation it was believed in such misconceptions and various means to prevent this from happing were introduced as Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. It has been kindling for many years on a back burner but In the last few years, it has been reignited, refuelled and now it is very difficult to eradicate this epidemic in today's society - It is spreading like a disease. We have the power to make a change Show some love and solidarity - Enough is enough!

Let's Talk about it

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Check this out: 900 job applications-900 rejections - Welcome to The Age of Highway Recruitment! You Tube Video Link:
 Welcome to the Highway Recruitment
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Misguided Pride aka Ego - THE BIGGEST ENEMY of all relationships - How to avoid the trap

Ego - Grim Reaper of Personal and Professional relationships.

Dangerous medallion hanging around a person's neck responsible for creating narrow-mindedness and stubbornness is Pride. When pride gets out of hands it mutates into Ego and attitudes that often get in the way of ones brilliance and success .

Misguided PRIDE is like a heavy weight strapped around our waist.

Neither we can fly with it or swim with it!
It can only drag us to the bottom of the boundless EGO abyss.

How to have great relationships and avoid leading pride on ego trips into fantasy land just to prove ones worth, their value and status.

YouTube Video Link  

This greatest ignorance is the cause of many grave deceptions and manipulations against people and societies.

Pride is a specific feeling through which the ego expresses itself. Thus one can be proud of any unimportant and meaningless thing.

The ego is an octopus with countless tentacles, it feeds on all forms of ignorance.

There are many instances of irrelevant and unprofitable evidence of individuals that they make, despite their difficulties, only to highlight their difference from other people.

In order to survive, the ego extends its achievements to grotesque proportions. The danger is, when we identify ourselves with an imaginary image of ourselves — we are building a false personality.

Although in today's societies, due to misconception, pride is considered a virtue, all kinds of pride destroy a person, enslave him and take him in the wrong direction. A cause of hatred and intolerance. The results are obvious and exist as selfishness in relationships, in which we lack love and care for others.
Humanity will flourish in man only when he develops inner serenity.
You can be highly educated and hold a high position, but if you have no human values, can you be considered as a descent human being?

So first dismiss the bad qualities. Remove your own bad thoughts and feelings. Only when you cultivate love and walk the path of truth and morality will the organisation grow and prosper.
Therefore, at least from today, develop the values ​​of truth, love and morality. It is your first and foremost duty.
The truth is the basis of all friendships and relationships - Personal or professional.

Integrity and Character are the most important aspects of a human being, though, and truth and correctness are the basis of character.

Whatever your good deeds, it will be of no use to you if you do not get rid of the bad qualities.

Always go the way of truth and morality.
A cause, initiative or organisation without morality is doomed to degenerate and decay.

However, it's not enough to just talk about morality.
It must permeate all your work and be expressed in every step you make, every breath you take. It has to run through your thoughts and woven through your vision, goals and mission.

Many people consider pride to be a positive and important human trait - even a virtue. However, one cannot overlook the fact that pride in us creates some rigidity - some proud grandeur that brings us many problems in life.
Whenever we focus our thinking on pride, we can almost always conclude that pride is the seed of doubt from which all other flaws gradually emerge, such as: insult, arrogance, greed, lust, vanity, self-love, selfishness, hatred, arrogance, greenery. jealousy, etc…

"Pride is a feeling of great satisfaction with oneself and a deep respect for oneself - one's own personality, which comes from the subjective conviction that we are something special, or at least above something else" (C. G. Jung).

And it is this pride, as one of the significant components of our character, that always blossoms whenever our mind surrenders to our ego.

Likewise for egoism, many people think that the positive trait of our personality is even, that it is necessary for our proper development.

However, the truth is, instead of egoism being the servant of our development, we have allowed it to evolve into our jailer.
And the worst part is that it doesn't bother us at all!

Therefore, it is necessary for us to address our pride and our ego personality more often, because that is our most important task in life: To know ourselves and then begin to break down our ego. '' We fight in vain with our external evil situations, unless we first clear our internal, selfish, greedy and often even terrified ego. ''

This assertion confirms the ancient wisdom that '' our exterior is the image of our interior ''. To put it simply, the condition of our interior is a cause, the consequence of which is our exterior.
We also need to accept the fact that the factor responsible for all our stress, evil, suffering, depression ... is within us.
But we also need to know that all of our positive spiritual knowledge, if not validated in practice - if we do not live it, is just one empty and worthless theory, and perhaps even an impediment to any spiritual progression.

Every human being has one stable core of consciousness - one nucleus - free spiritual consciousness, which we have known for centuries as our soul.
However, that soul of ours is almost hardly recognisable in the presence of one of our internal, aggressive agents, who controls our reason and directs the flow of our thoughts and actions.

This factor, referred to by psychoanalysts as the "false Self," is none other than our "ego", which has emerged during human development and is expressed in some of its inner voice by conducting an almost continuous dialogue with our consciousness.
So gradually the strong connection between our consciousness (our soul) and our transient Self weakened, and we began to imagine and identify with the false fact that our '' ego '' is, in reality, our personality - ours ''. I''.
Here, in this way, the ego overshadowed our free spiritual consciousness (soul), took over our thought and emotional mechanisms and through them conquered our body. In other words, we no longer hear the faint voice of our soul, and without thinking we surrender to the initiatives of the ego, whose dark cloud almost completely overshadowed our inner sun.

It is very difficult to recognise our ego in us, because it constantly changes its roles: the hour is portrayed as an injured person - an insulted person, the hour is angry and angry, despondent and desperate, or plunges us into depression, fear or panic ... And if it always whispers in the same voice , he is a plural creature with diverse interests. From the pluralism of the ego's cheek - its mighty 'I', we are simply unable to pursue one's purpose and act from our stable core of consciousness - from one's soul, because we blindly follow the motives of our egoism. We think, believe, and most often even know, that we have our own individuality and our freedom to decide, however, it is a pure illusion because in reality, we are servants - slaves to our egoism.
The proud man's intellect works in an abnormal way,
and such a man lives far from the Truth.

Consider how many times in your life you have
encountered and still encounter situations where
everyone thinks pride is something positive and a

Society continuously demonstrates how vaguely and
inadequately explained human values are in the
organisational systems and the role they play in
todays business world.

Most would agree that Perfectly balanced amount of pride and ego is
healthy and good for the competitive environments
but ignoring the facts that pride can turn into an ego
can cause a devastating ripple effects.

If you are a Leader or owner…
Its ok to be proud of your achievements and accomplishments but if you allow that pride cuts the connection and sync between your heart and your mind, you are going to lose your pride to Ego.

Most traditional leadership training or coaching aims to change the way you think, asking you to reflect on who you are and who you’d like to become. Increase your self awareness first. 
Know who you are. 
Define your leadership purpose, your values and authentic self, and these insights will guide your leadership journey.

The way we think is a product of our past experience and if you find yourself suffering from the symptoms of pridegoistic tendencies,
it is time to change.

Time to change ways of approaching and doing your work, new relationships and new ways of connecting and engaging with people around us.

Its time to change how we see our strengths and weaknesses. Its time for a feedback.
Asking people around us what we do wrong and what we do right.

No matter how much strategic you might be and how compelling your
ideas, if no one else buys in, not much happens. Nor do people buy in for
abstract, theoretical reasons; they buy in because you have somehow connected with them personally.

Pride and ego is the Grim reaper of personal connections and professional relationships.
To avoid falling into the “Pridegoistic” trap keep checking within:
Maintain a strong coherence between 
what you believe, 
what you actually do, and
who you really are.
Your mind, heart and your personal values have to be in a strong unbreakable connection and sync.

Only then you are able to keep your pride and ego in check.

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2020 Job Search strategy - Effective job search using sales methodology

How to successfully utilise sales methodology in job search?

What sales and job search have in common? How to use sales principles to Land a job? 
In todays episode of Coffee and a Chat with Dave, we are talking about how to use the principles of the oldest profession known to human kind in job search. I will share with you a chart that will be your guide to perfecting your sales pitch and cover letter and help you compile YOU statements. WHO are you and WHY You? WHAT can YOU do to add value to my Company? WHY do YOU and WHAT is special about you? Why is it a problem, Whats in it for me and HOW can you fix it? Point of Difference

Without further ado,

Let's Talk about it!

In the middle of every WHY, WHAT and WHO stands a significant common denominator: HOW. Selling goods / products that add significant and visible value to a business is in much easier task than selling services. When you are looking for job, you are in fact selling your services. Offering, and selling Services is the most difficult job in the sales world - It takes a lot more convincing effort. You can’t see it, you can’t feel it and you can’t demonstrate the POD ( Point Of Difference ) on the spot. How do you sell your services and what information you need to present to a potential client?

Job search and sales share the same principle: It's all about making your client or employer happy and your expertise, credibility and what value do you bring to the table. Your client/employer needs to know Who are you and why are you their best option? What can you do to solve their issues, make their problems go away - Fast and cheap. Answers to interview questions or answers to your clients objections must not be perfectly scripted as it falls into a trap of not being authentic. However, your job application and/or sales pitch is a must!
Follow the 20-80 Rule Focus on the 20% 20% of your action, Should results in 80% of your success! #recruitment #jobsearch #sales

Common Sense Leadership - Leadership expert on Leading with Organisational culture

Leading with Organisational culture

Today we are talking about what does it take to be a great leader and how Leading with an Organisational Culture and value of Human Element in business can boost your business growth. Why should we all work on Bringing the Humanity back into business and what does it mean to be relatable and approachable business.

Being a leader is a choice and by choosing to a leader, we choose to be the light, 
an inspiration, 
a coach, 
mentor and 
a motivator. 

We choose to lead by example and be a role model. 
To be there for our teams and provide unconditional support.

Being a leader for the sake of holding the position, for the money and position of Authority, defies the purpose of a Leader and corrupts their values.
Many argue that leadership is a Set of values, skills and behaviours we can all develop,  at every level, in every role. 
I have a few arguments about it but let's say: 
If we all discover the leader in us, imagine what we can achieve as individuals, as teams and as a business?

Is Leadership the ability to make the right decisions and contribute to many different aspects of our organisation? 
Is Leadership the understanding to work well with our colleagues?
Is Leadership the passion to achieve the highest standards?
Is Leadership being aligned to the purpose and objectives of a business, and focus on the main principles of being a leader.

YES IT IS, but it's much more!

Leader or a Manager is NOT JUST A Leader or Manager - If you are a leader or manager, YOU’RE ALSO AN EMPLOYEE and the Role model
who needs to strive to:
  • Achieve business excellence – driving high standards of performance in everything we do
  • Define and shapes direction – contributing to the business in all the work we do
  • Engage and inspires people – collaborating and growing the skills and competencies of ourselves and others

So, the question is:
How can we achieve this as an organisation?
Let's break it down and

Let's Talk About it!  

YOUTUBE Video Link

Leading with an Organisational Culture - topic we can talk about in the next  5 videos, and requires many deep organisational changes but the most important one is the right organisational mindset. 
What can we do to start changing the organisational mindset? 
What, as a business owner, a  leader or a manger you can do to make it happen?

Lets start with a major misconception.
The major misconception, in the business world, is that humans are employed as a resource, replaceable stock and supply to run a business capital and assets. 
The result of such a view is an uninspiring and detached business environment where employees are taken for granted, undervalued and the humans are treated as a replaceable stock. 

The end product of such view, in particular, in Sales and Customer Service environments are low productivity, poor customer service, terrible service delivery and high staff turnover.
This is where it gets more interesting.

Once the downfall is recognised, managerial corrective measures are introduced to get everyone back in line.
So,  instead of "lead, inspire and motivate to achieve common objectives and business goals" we end up being an enforcement institution by implementing performance management measures and policing the team members…
In other Words - We micro manage our staff.

By micromanaging our staff, we don’t do any favour to ourselves, leaders and managers, or the business mission.

Businesses are run by the most important business value - 

Its People - 

for the purpose of working with people to serve people by effectively utilising business resources in order to achieve business objectives, goals and vision. 

The human element adds value to your business, a personal touch that makes your business feel approachable, relatable, inspirational and human.
Thats what customers want and what makes them keep coming back.
The Human Element is not just a systematic method for improving the way people work together. 
It is not just how to utilise the human element to the achieve goals and better individual, team, and organisational performance. 

Humans are the most important business value - 
it's the beating heart and soul of every business no matter how big or small business is.

It is The art and craft of a business creativity and innovation. 
It is the future of your business.
Serve and treat your people well - you will serve yourself, do yourself the biggest favour and achieve greater business results.

The human element is more than just a list of 230 personal core values and behaviours. 
It's the Capital list of the lists of all individual core values together.
Understanding, knowing and appreciating the value of Human Element is the Key to Effective Leadership.

I hope you agree that an organisational success starts with the individual accomplishments and success of each employee. More time and effort you put in towards motivating, inspiring and providing support for achieving individual personal and professional goals, more benefits you gain on an organisational level. 
Develop and create a rewarding environment so that people wake up in the morning and have a desire to turn up to work with you - Not for you. 

The trick is - Treat them as your business partners.

Take for an example a Bee Hive:

Honeybees live in colonies under the leadership of one Queen bee including thousands of bees and drones. A business kept in order by the queen and her leadership. 
Although worker bees only live for approximately six weeks, they spend their lives performing tasks that benefit the survival of their colony.
And here is the kicker. Queen Bee, doesn't care how bees are going about to get the pollen and nectar as long as the job is done. 
No micromanagement there and everything is working as a well oiled machine with an ultimate support network available.
I was watching a short video about a worker bee that somehow got stuck in honey and started drowning.
Guess what happened?
Under the leadership of Queen Bee, other worker bees followed and dragged the drowning bee out. 
Furthermore, they started cleaning the poor thing. 2 were cleaning honey from her wings, the other working on her legs, another around the head area and so on…under the guidance of the queens bee.
Even bees know that job has to be done the way Queen has set the organisational structure and culture.
They receive all the support available and given all the freedom to perform their jobs.
When things get rough, Queen is there to help and lead the way.
If you have any issues, you don’t get micromanaged - you get support to overcome your problems.

What can you do as a leader or a manager first?
Inspire, motivate and lead by integrity at the forefront to instil pride honesty, trust and respect. 
Such treatment breeds Ownership, Accountability and Responsibility which weeds out unproductive defensive behaviour which is: Blame, Excuses and Denial. 

Blame, Excuses and Denial are toxic demotivators and a breeding ground for confrontations. It is an overall team cohesion and performance destroyers.
Recognise, acknowledge and validate the human importance.

Bring the human touch and humanity back into your business, Be recognised as an approachable, relatable and empathetic business. 
Develop and implement organisational customer service culture that values how external so internal human element.
When I say this to my clients, usually the first question that comes up is: What you suggesting, where should I start?
Start by recognising the Human Value acknowledge and honour humanity- Separate Human Element from the Resources.

Replace Human Resources with Human Operations or People Operations.
Follow through with showing appreciation, open two-way communication, inspire innovation and creativity...connect back with your Human side.
Let your people know that they are treated as partners, being cared for and treated with respect.
Thats a great starting point.

Re brand your business internally first.

What do I mean by that?
Almost everything has an expiry date. So is your business vision, mission and goals. 
You either grow out of your capacity,  overachieve or underachieve. 
So in either case you need new ideas, new common goals and objectives.
Every 3-5 years, every business should re-visit their Vision and mission statement. but with a huge difference: get your staff involved and this is probably the best way to get your people to connect with you and your business on a personal level and develop that partnership feeling. 
Get them involved and that’s how we take that responsibility to next level.
Now its personal!

Third, Start utilising the  
Start Stop Continue Feedback

Your front line employees are your eyes, ears and first line of defence.They see everything - The good, The bad and Ugly side of your business and your service delivery.Once every 6-9 moths get that white board out into a common area and ask your employees to identify your strengths and weaknesses in the following form:
  1. Start – what are, in their opinion, things the team should be doing in the next cycle in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness..
  1. Stop – ask them to look back at the previous cycle to identify which things didn't work well and which ones should be stopped.
  1. Continue – ask them to identify things that worked in the previous cycle and need to be part of the core activities and if so what can be done to improve the process.

I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video.
You don’t have to subscribe to my channel, or give us thumbs up and you don’t have to comment - but if you do - I will write you a song about a tortilla. 

Well actually, it’s more of a wrap.

While you are at it, click  the social media share button so your friends and family can watch it too.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We greatly appreciate you.
I love you all and until next video,
Please take care of your self - and Each other!

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Linkedin NETWORKING - why is it important and how to do it well - Linkedin and Live Networking

How important is to have a good network to your ability to accomplish your
Vision, Dreams and Goals? 

  • What can a good network do for you? 
  • How to create a good network? and,
  • What in fact is considered good networking?

Networking is the channel through which you sell your initiatives to the people you depend on for cooperation and support. It's what you rely on to win over the sceptics. 

It protects you from clueless dynamics that so often kill good ideas. Your relationships are also the best way to change with your environment and industry if needed.  
Without a good network, you will also limit your own imagination about your own career prospects. You never know!  

Your network is also what puts you on the map of people who control your next career move. In short, your network is a crucial source of outsight on your job, business and everything else to which you aspire. 
Networks run on the principle of reciprocity. The value of diverse relationships lies not only in what your contacts can do for you, but also on what you can do for them.  
If nothing else: fresh ideas, insights, and advice on best practices. It is an opportunity to get a 360-degree perspective which you can only get from cultivating relationships with a diverse mix of peers, juniors and seniors regardless of their current operational capacity and willingness and openness in removing six degrees of separation principle out of the Networking Circle. 

But just because a person knows that a network is important to their success, it doesn't mean they are devoting sufficient time and energy to making it useful and strong.  
In fact, few of us do. LINKEDIN... Great networking tool and source of priceless networking resources. 
A highly underused and undervalued Networking tool. So many, create their Linkedin account as a symbolic gesture, Use it as a display cabinet for their accolades and trophies and that's where the story ends. 

If you are on Linkedin right now, How would you rate the quality of your current network? 
How would you rate your contributions, actions and use of such an amazing tool?  

Even in a business world that hugely depends on diversity, We are habitually hardwired to be drawn to people who are "like us". Strictly based on common ground, we give those people the benefit of the doubt, insisting on creating artificial conditions that increase the likelihood that a relationship will potentially develop. 
Without common ground or common cause, for many of us, its harder to relate to people.  
Bias, Laziness, Pride and Ego are the greatest enemies of true Networking. People who fail to engage in networking justify their choice as a matter of personal values.  

A lack of experience with networking also leads people to question whether it's a legitimate use of their time, especially when the network structure does not immediately appear relevant, usable or fully beneficial to their current situation. 

Another subconscious detriment is "Why widen my circle just so I could be asked to help someone, buy something from someone...?"  
IF everyone you know knows the same people you do... flow of ideas, information and opportunities gets stuck in the same circle in the same environment in the same segment.  

Networking: How important it is and how do do it well?

So Lets break it down and 

#LetsTalkAboutIt #networking #linkedin

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